Libby’s Activity Tab

Libby, the library’s new app for Overdrive is here!  One of the great things about Libby is that you can keep track of your reading history with the Activity tab. To get to your activity tab, simply open the Libby app and tap on “Shelf.” This will take you to you loans page, and you’ll see some options at the top- Loans, Holds, tags, Activity.

Tap on “Activity” on the right to access 2 sections called “For your Attention” and “Your Timeline.”The books under “For Your Attention” are books that have been returned. These notifications can be cleared by tapping Dismiss.


The “Your Timeline” section keeps a complete list of titles that you’ve borrowed, returned, or placed on hold.


If you wish to remove any of these titles from your list, you can swipe from left to right and tap “Remove.”


This feature will be great for those of us who can’t quite remember if we’ve read a book or not or where we left off in a certain series. This is just one of the many great new features of Libby. For more info on Libby, visit the Help Page here:




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